@playform/compress - v0.1.2


Related —

πŸ¦”β€Inline —
πŸ—»β€Format —

πŸ—œοΈβ€Compress —

This Astro integration brings compression utilities to your Astro project.

πŸŽβ€CSS (csso) —

πŸŽβ€CSS (lightningcss) —

πŸŽβ€HTML (html-minifier-terser) —

πŸŽβ€Image (sharp) —

πŸŽβ€JavaScript (terser) —

πŸŽβ€SVG (svgo) —


Compress will not compress your requests, only your statically generated build and pre-rendered routes.


Use Compress last in your integration list for the best optimizations.

There are two ways to add integrations to your project. Let's try the most convenient option first!

Astro includes a CLI tool for adding first party integrations: astro add. This command will:

  1. (Optionally) Install all necessary dependencies and peer dependencies
  2. (Also optionally) Update your astro.config.* file to apply this integration

To install Compress, run the following from your project directory and follow the prompts:

Using NPM:

npx astro add @playform/compress

Using Yarn:

yarn astro add @playform/compress

Using PNPM:

pnpx astro add @playform/compress

First, install the Compress integration like so:

npm install -D -E @playform/compress

Then, apply this integration to your astro.config.* file using the integrations property:


export default {
integrations: [(await import("@playform/compress")).default()],

The utility will now automatically compress all your CSS, HTML, SVG, JavaScript and image files in the Astro outDir folder.

The following image file types will be compressed via sharp:

  • avci
  • avcs
  • avif
  • avifs
  • gif
  • heic
  • heics
  • heif
  • heifs
  • jfif
  • jif
  • jpe
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • apng
  • png
  • raw
  • tiff
  • webp

SVG compression is supported, as well via svgo.

You can override any of the default options from the configurations of:


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
CSS: false,
"html-minifier-terser": {
removeAttributeQuotes: false,
Image: false,
JavaScript: false,
SVG: false,

or disable them entirely:


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
CSS: false,
HTML: false,
Image: false,
JavaScript: false,
SVG: false,

You can see the full option map here: Source/Interface/Option.ts

By default Compress compresses the outDir Astro directory, if you'd like it to compress a different directory you would have to add it to the Compress Path option, as well:

export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Path: ["./dist", "./Compress"],

You can add multiple paths to compress by specifying an array as the Path variable.


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Path: ["./Target", "./Build"],

You can also provide a map of paths for different input output directories.


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Path: new Map([["./Source", "./Target"]]),

Or an array of the two:


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Path: [
// Compress Target
// Compress Target one more time into a different directory
new Map([["./Target", "./TargetCompress"]]),

You can filter files to exclude specific ones from compression. A filter can be an array of regular expressions or a single match. You can also use functions to match on file names:


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Exclude: [
(File: string) =>
File === "./Target/Favicon/Image/safari-pinned-tab.svg",

You can control the logging level by setting the Logger parameter. The default value is 2, but you can set it to 0 if you don't want to see debug messages:


export default {
integrations: [
(await import("@playform/compress")).default({
Logger: 0,

See CHANGELOG.md for a history of changes to this integration.